Proposal Could Expand Kentucky Crossbow Season

Do you want to increase the time you can use your crossbow for deer hunting in Kentucky?

Voice your opinion on Kentucky crossbow legislation today. The time to act is now as the final vote for crossbow use expansion is on April 9, 2019. 

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Submit a letter of support to each member of the State of Kentucky Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee by Monday, April 8th.
  2. Support the Kentucky Crossbow Federation by becoming a member.

The Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee is currently considering a proposal to allow the use of crossbows as legal equipment to harvest white-tailed deer from the third Saturday in September to the third Monday in January for all legal hunters. The proposal is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of the members of the Kentucky Crossbow Federation. This proposal would allow for any legal hunter, regardless of age or physical condition, to use a crossbow for hunting deer and would also expand the current season by an additional 40 days.

The final vote to approve this measure will take place on April 9, 2019.

Link to the proposed legislation (301 KAR: 2:172):

Kentucky Crossbow Federation website:

It is critical that you submit letters of support to each of the subcommittee members below by Monday April 8, 2019, if you want to see crossbow hunting time frames and crossbow use expanded.

Physical Address for all Subcommittee Members:

702 Capital Ave.
Annex Room 229
Frankfort, KY 40601

Subcommittee Members List:

Stephen West (S) – Co-Chair
502-564-8100 Ext. 806

David Hale (H) – Co-Chair
502-564-8100 Ext. 642

Julie Raque Adams (S)

Perry B. Clark (S)

Alice Forgy Kerr (S)
502-564-8100 Ext. 625

Deanna Frazier (H)
502-564-8100 Ext. 820

Mary Lou Marzian (H)
502-564-8100 Ext. 643

Tommy Turner (H)
502-564-8100 Ext. 716


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