East Carroll Parish Big Buck Contest

Down-To-Earth Food Plot Work

Down-To-Earth Food Plot Work

Have I mentioned recently how the ultimate compliment that you can possibly bestow upon someone is that they are down-to-earth? Well in case I haven’t, it is. The terms grounded and down-to-earth ultimately define a person’s reliability, honesty, trustworthiness, conscientiousness and overall integrity. Since the modernization tsunami of the industrial revolution, as societies migrated enContinue Reading Down-To-Earth Food Plot Work

Deer Hunting Turkeys

Deer Hunting Turkeys

Growing up and hunting in Michigan throughout the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, there were no wild turkeys to be had. My first encounter with the mighty Thunderchicken was in the Manistee National Forest up in the northeast area of the lower peninsula around 1975. Trekking mile after mile of wonderful rugged wildground habitat pursuing theContinue Reading Deer Hunting Turkeys

Conservationists Unite!

Conservationists Unite!

The National Rifle Association. Hunter Nation. Gun Owners of America. Ducks Unlimited. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. National Wild Turkey Foundation. Delta Waterfowl. Pheasants Forever. Trout Unlimited. Quail Unlimited. The Grouse Society. Gun Owners of California. Texas Rifle Association. Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The Zelman Partisans. The Wild Sheep Foundation. The National TrappersContinue Reading Conservationists Unite!

Back to Basics: Wildlife Management 101

Back to Basics: Wildlife Management 101

I’m just a guitarplayer and I never went to college. I was too busy learning stuff; really important stuff! You know, all of that radical stuff like self-evident truths, logic, commonsense, reality, earning your own way, living within your means, saving for a rainy day, self-sufficiency, accountability, frugality, utilitarian pragmatism, independence, work ethic productivity, responsibleContinue Reading Back to Basics: Wildlife Management 101