Burgeson Pioneered the Deer Scent Industry

It is with heavy hearts in that we must report the passing of another hunting industry pioneer.

Our friend and longtime industry partner John Burgeson, co-founder of the Wildlife Research Center, passed away suddenly last weekend near his home in Anoka, Minn. He was 66.

John Burgeson Founder of Wildlife Research Center

John Burgeson Founder of Wildlife Research Center

After years of hunting trips, hobby experimentations and lots of trial and error, John and his brother Brian Burgeson, with help from their dad, hit on an irresistible formula that attracted deer like nothing they’d ever seen before —Trail’s End #307. That was in 1983. The brothers were avid trappers when they were growing up, and they knew the importance of scent when it came to getting up close and personal with wildlife. Their affinity for deer hunting led them to not only devise that top-selling attractant, it drove them to take scrape-hunting to never-before-seen heights.

The Magnum Scrape Dripper® is an improved version of the original Ultimate Scrape Dripper®, which redefined scrape hunting when it was unveiled nearly 25 years ago.

After years of tinkering with various rut-related lures, the Burgesons eventually brought other unique and innovative scent products to the market, including the Ultimate Scrape-Dripper®. This was the first temperature-activated liquid scent dispenser for use at scrapes that was made to drip only during daylight. It was an absolute breakthrough for scrape hunters. It wasn’t their biggest success, however. That came when they perfected Scent Killer® spray. It took many hours of trial and error, but the product not only worked in the field, it was eventually proven by researchers at Rutgers University to be more than 99 percent effective in eliminating replicated human odors.

I first met John while he was manning the Wildlife Research booth at the annual Archery Trade Show. John was a humble man who wise beyond his years. He was also a man of little words. It was common for him to deflect conversations to his highly talented employees and colleagues. He never said it out loud, but I knew in my heart that he whole-heartedly trusted those around him and also that he was quietly confident that the products his business and family represented could speak on their own merits.

I have since learned that John was a man of deep faith. That comes as no surprise. He expressed it in how he carried himself, and that is the mark of a truly great individual.

On behalf of the entire Deer & Deer Hunting community, goodbye, John. May the Lord be with you.

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